Exoline products are clearly situated in the range of unrepeatable colouring and aesthetical values of wooden floors. Originality of these "exotic" things consists, first of all, in colouring, quite different than that of country sorts. Thanks to a rich "palette" of colours, beginning with various shades of brown, red, orange, yellow, and also green, purple and black colours, giant possibilities of interior space arrangement arise. Additionally, out-of-type dimensions of the elements, most often in the form of a board, make it possible to create a more roomy and "limpid" interior. An unimpairable advantage of some exotic wood sorts are their physical and mechanical properties, which affect usability values of such surfaces. The wood of certain sorts proves more "stable" than the wood of practically- known domestic sorts. Owing to the same, these sorts are employed in such areas as bathrooms, winter gardens, kitchens or outside terraces.
The floor is one of the most important elements of the room interior. While making up one's mind about choosing of the flooring type, we often make use of such aspects as aesthetics, usability properties, general impression and functionality. The floor, in combination with other interior elements such as walls with their colouring, ceilings, windows, equipment - must create harmonious and integral unity, must provide comfort and feeling of safety to persons who are to stay in the room.
Choice of a certain type of the wooden floor is, undoubtedly, a difficult and complex decision, at least in view of the fact of a rich offer. It is however the final effect that is most important, namely semblance and air of the floor, after having been assembled and the surface finished.
Nowadays, the offer of floor-finishing materials is very large which, many a time, brings many problems about making a final decision: which kind of flooring surface would be adequate, most, of all. Most often, we hesitate whether to choose a wooden floor, or a stony (or ceramic) one.
EXO LINE products are, first of all, exotic floor, but from year to year, successively, their offer gets larger and larger by now products. At present, they offer mats, as well, to be used as both floor and decorative material, and open-work baskets.
Thanks to teak wood used to make Exoline products, the mats are ideally suitable as to be used in bathrooms, without fear for quick wear, and, in view of their honey-brown colour, the interior with the mats gets much homelier.
Application of another sort of wood - palisander or Indian rosewood, with its surprising colouring, makes it possible to create a surprising designer's effect. Additional wax protection to the surface of the mat prevents the wood from discolouring.
Manufacturer site: www.exoline.pl